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Celebrate simplicity …..


"The little things? The little moments? They aren't little. They are life." Jon Kabat-Zinn


A period of time after my beloved grandmother died, while driving home after grocery shopping, I had this overwhelming urge to call her and tell her I had bought a butternut squash.


That was the simple stuff that we talked about, on almost a daily basis.


If I could have one more afternoon with my grandma I wouldn't want to dash to Paris with her, or go hot air ballooning or anything of that sort.


I would want to be standing in the kitchen with her, washing dishes after our familiar lunch, seeing her hands in the soapy Palmolive dish water, watching the chickadees and the robins in the birdbath (Grandma had a deal with the magpies to stay away!).


We would walk around the garden and see how each flower and plant was doing.


Then we would go into the sunroom and talk while my kids played around.


May we celebrate the simple things...may we celebrate our life.

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