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We will be holding the Poetry of Yoga at: 


Health Upwardly Mobile (HUM)

5316, 7005 Fairmont Drive SE

Here is the remaining date for the Spring, 2022 Poetry of Yoga:


  • June 24. (Friday. 6:00 to 7:00PM MT)

To register you can pay by eTransfer or PayPal. 


eTransfer: $20 for each evening to:


One Evening - $20

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Poetry of Yoga

It seems that we are nearing an end to our experience with the pandemic. This is an opportune time to reignite the spirit and connection we discover from our Poetry of Yoga evenings.


It is important that we take time to nourish our heart, mind and spirit. We can gather tools, resources, moments of solace and delight to inform and bolster ourselves and each other.   

Poetry of Yoga evenings are dedicated to this purpose. They are evenings of poetry, story and music, dedicated to the "Invisible Work."


"The work of my heart is the work of the world's heart. There is no other art." Alison Luterman


These evenings will be In Person and Livestreamed one Friday each month of April, May and June from 6:00pm-7:00pm MT.  All evenings will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording automatically. The recording will remain live for the following week.


You will receive the Zoom link 5:00PM MT on Friday. Registration is open up until the event starts (and even after if you would like to receive the recording.) 


I hope to "see" you there.




© Field of Yoga 2013-2025

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