Walk anyway …..
My young daughter asked me to go for a walk on a warm summer evening.
Shortly before, I had learned of a tragic and devastating loss from the terrorism in Nice, France.
My heart was broken, I walked anyway.
My daughter, unaware of the heartache, was full of joy and conversation on our walk. I listened anyway.
We stood at the top of the embankment looking at the glorious mountains and clouds.
She said "It's so still".
My heart was broken.
I looked and felt the stillness anyway.
We came home.
I tucked my little children into bed.
I placed a kiss on their foreheads, eyelids, cheeks and chin.
They smiled at me.
My heart was broken, I smiled anyway.
Tragedy, loss, destruction, terrorism are a part of our lives.
I will not meet this truth with hatred or fear.
I will not crumble, shrink, run away or hide.
I will meet life with hope and love anyway.